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To Ghee or not to Ghee


Firstly what is it?

Ghee is a type of clarified butter-butter that has been heated low and slow to separate the milk solids and water from the fat.

Ghee has been around for centuries and is used highly in Ayurveda medicine and Indian cooking.

It has become more popular in recent years with the increase of the low carb and ketogenic community because of its higher healthy fat content and its high smoke point for cooking.

Ghee contains a higher concentration of fat than butter and it provides slightly more butyric acid and other short-chain saturated fats.

Ghee is rich in saturated fatty acids, which can handle high temperatures without becoming damaged, or volatile and beginning to smoke.

Ghee is also completely free of milk sugar lactose and milk protein casein so for people who have allergies or sensitivities to dairy, ghee is an alternative choice to butter.

While ghee is typically better for high-temperature cooking, butter has a sweeter taste and creamier texture that may be more suitable for baking.

Given that its milk solids have been removed, ghee does not require refrigeration and can be kept at room temperature for several weeks, like coconut oil, it may become solid when kept at cold temperatures.

Ghee is rich in important nutrients like vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, and conjugated linoleic acid. It may also help reduce gut inflammation and support heart health.

The next time you are in the grocery isles why not take a jar home and give it a try?



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